Borger ISD Announces Root-Gillespie Teacher of the Year

The Velma Freeman Gillespie and Zelma Freeman Root Foundation was established in 1995 by Mrs. Gillespie’s family to honor a deserving teacher at the end of each school year. Velma Freeman Gillespie and Zelma Freeman Root were twin sisters who both taught in the Borger ISD system for over twenty-five years each. Mrs. Root came to Borger in 1944. Mrs. Gillespie came to visit her from Arkansas in 1946 and never went back. Mrs. Gillespie taught in Borger Junior High School for 25 years. Mrs. Root taught at Borger High School for 26 years. Both retired in 1971. After retiring from BISD, Zelma Root taught at Frank Phillips Junior College for five years. Mrs. Gillespie had two sons, Dr. Hamp Gillespie and Dr. Mike Gillespie, who both graduated from Borger Independent School District. After Velma Gillespie passed away in October 1994, her sons wanted to honor their mother and aunt by establishing the foundation.
The award is given to a deserving teacher in the academic field who possesses the following:
- A concern for students and the capability to inspire them
- The ability and willingness to work cooperatively with colleagues
- A drive to initiate activities that improve instruction for students
- An ability to work effectively with different groups in the community
- The desire to stay informed of current educational theories and practices
- An ability and willingness to make meaningful contributions to education
- Examples of innovations started in the nominees’ classrooms.
The 2023-24 campus nominees are:
Jaime Beekman , Borger High School
Amanda Lewis, Borger Middle School
Lori Jones, Borger Intermediate School
Michelle White, Crockett Elementary
Manda Gowdy, Paul Belton Elementary
Lanetta Werhan, Gateway Elementary (not pictured)
This year, the Root-Gillespie Award went to Jaime Beekman. She will receive $750 to spend in her classroom, and each campus nominee will receive $250 for their classroom.
Congratulations to Mrs. Beekman and all the nominees, and thank you for your service!