Borger FFA Does Well at County Stock Show 

The Borger FFA had an outstanding showing at a very competitive County Show last week.  We are very proud of all the hard work of the students, their parents and our wonderful ag teachers, Charles and Emily Rosebrugh. 


Grand goat was Olivia Munoz

*Reserve grand was Berklei Lewter 

Morgan Malinowski won Junior goat Showmanship

*Grand Lamb was Addison Kurts

Reserve Grand lamb was Kenadie Kurts

Kenadie Kurts also Won junior lamb Showmanship

*Taylor Ireland Won Senior lamb Showmanship

*Reserve Champion steer was Angelina Massengale

*Angelina Massengale also Won senior steer showmanship

*Breed champion berk was Zachary Brunson

*reserve champion Berk was Baylei Lewter

reserve Champion White opb was Olivia Munoz

*Reserve Yorkshire was Macie Whittington

 and a whole lot of first, second, and thirds.


Asterisk indicates a high school student


Posted by rebecca.calder On 25 January, 2021 at 12:57 PM